Taaselustatud Liivimaa Langetõbiste ja Idiootide Hooldamise Selts esitleb: valimisreklaami põhitõdede aabits poliitikutele. Hüva nõu abivajajatele. Tonnide kaupa ebaobjektiivset lahmimist iseenda vaimse tervise säilitamise huvides.
Aplausi pole vaja. I aim to please.
I mean, the book should be. Any wise man should be afraid to read it. For their sanity's sake. Briefly: it's awful. It is the most boring book since 'Vanity Fair'. OK I'm exaggerating. Since 'Tess of the D' Urbevilles'. If anyone can make a difference. Though it is a bestseller, it shouldn't be. It sells just because of reputation. I mean, 'The Name of the Wind' was great! That's why I expected to see something even better. What I read was a disappointment, in many aspects. Well, you wouldn't read a fantasy book where the main hero chases a stupid bitch..errrmm...a gold digger in whatever the names of the pubs were in millions of different locations? For a few hundred pages? You would? Well, may I present you the next worst sequel of all time: shit, I can't. My bad. The only sequels nearly as bad I can come up with are A&B Strugatski's 'Žuk v muraveinike' and 'Volnõ gasja veter'. They were just bad. Not 'oh-so-romantic' bad. Just bad, for other reasons (and because of great expectations). Fortunately, in those books there is only one unimportant stupid bitch to be chased and by the end she's something like a few hundred years old. And not chased because of romantic reasons. So it's not important to the plot. At all.
Even the cover
is misleading. Kvothe is a wuss and there is nothing like a sword in his hand in the book. He even 'dropped the two thin knives' (or drowned them?) before getting anywhere near to Alveron. Great hero of the legends my ass. Great wizard! Just skip this book and hope that the third day of the kingkiller chronicles is worth reading. In a way Rothfuss is the anti-Martin. Or mini-Martin See for yourself:
vs George
At least Martin's books have inspired this
And that's definitely more than many an author can ever hope to inspire.
Now to the point:
a) inglise keel: leidke 10 grammatika/sõnavaraviga (neid on seal kindlasti rohkem) b) psühholoogia aines seostub see mõjustamise/marketingi teemaga: kuidas müüa halba raamatut, mis on väga hea raamatu järg. c) perekonnaõpetusega seostub see läbi Rothfussi raamatu: kuidas ei tohiks suhet luua. Vähemalt mitte sõltuvussuhet. d) kodutöö on tehtud selles formaadis näitamaks, et olen suutelne kasutama veebiressursse.